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Tools, Tiles, and Supplies

We are a retail mosaic supply store, let us research the online stores so that you do not need to pay expensive shipping costs while waiting for your supplies to arrive. Stop in to see our colorful assortment of tesserae and tile, see exactly what you are buying and walk out ready to start creating. Like an old-fashioned penny candy store you will not be able to resist the colors and selection of our eye “candy”. 

We are not an on-line store, we are brick and mortar, our inventory is constantly changing so the best way to see our inventory is to stop in for a visit.  If you are not super close feel free to give us a call, we know our inventory and probably have what you are looking for.  We strive to provide supplies for all levels; for the experienced mosaic artists as well as the occasional hobbyist.  


Our selection includes Italian made Venetian glass tiles and Smalti, Mexican smalti, stained glass, mirror glass, gems, stones, ceramic tile and other specialty products for the experienced mosaic artist. We also carry a large color assortment of craft tile for the occasional mosaic hobbyist as well as some fun shaped tiles to give your mosaic pieces your unique style.  Come in and visit us to check out all our supplies.  Prices range from $12- $20 per pound for ceramic and vitreous glass.  Smalti is  $30 per pound, and ranges from $7 per pound for smalti scraps, $20 per pound for blue mixes, to $35 per pound for trasparenti.

Cloud mix with trasparenti

Cloud mix with trasparenti

A beautiful mix of cloud colors and trasparenti smalti, a bargain at $20/lb

Aqua trasparenti mix

Aqua trasparenti mix

A beautiful mix of blue/green smalti

Blue Mix Smalti

Blue Mix Smalti

Blue, blue and more blues

More blues

More blues

Blue, blue, and more blue smalti

Trasparenti mix

Trasparenti mix

Beautiful trasparenti mixes

Light blue trasparenti mix

Light blue trasparenti mix

More trasparenti smalti mixes

Cloud mix smalti

Cloud mix smalti


Pate de Verre tile

Pate de Verre tile

$16 per pound

Briare Tile

Briare Tile

$16 per pound

Tools too

Tools too

Leponitt - $30 Montolits - $80 and more

Lots of tiles for browsing and buyin

Lots of tiles for browsing and buyin

Lots of tiles for browsing and buying.



Flouride Minerals

Flouride Minerals

Trend Vitreous Glass

Trend Vitreous Glass

$12 to $16 per pound

Ceramic Tile

Ceramic Tile

Both Lyric and Cinca brands

Cheeky Fusions

Cheeky Fusions

Mexicn and Italian Smalti

Mexicn and Italian Smalti

$30 per pound

Substrates (Surfaces)

You will find a variety of prepared substrates, our supply varies and if we don't have what you are looking for we can help you find it!  We also carry Wedi Board®, a light foam underlayment with cement faces that is waterproof and suitable for water bearing areas both indoor and outdoor. We also carry fiberglass mesh and Weldbond to adhere your pieces  to the substrate.  If you are driving here from a distance please call first and speak with us, we can let you know if we have what you are looking for.

Tile Cutting Tools

We carry a full range of tools to help you nip up those tiles and stone. We carrry the Leponitt, Toyo, and Italian made Montolit brand. If you need something special and we don't have it we can certainly find it for you.

Montolit Nippers

Montolit Nippers


Another view of Montolit Nippers

Another view of Montolit Nippers

Leponitt Tile Nippers

Leponitt Tile Nippers

Great for cutting glass tiles. $30

The New Chipper Nipper

The New Chipper Nipper

Great for cutting ceramic tile.

Pistol Grip Glass Scorer and Pliers

Pistol Grip Glass Scorer and Pliers

Toyo brand, the only way to cut stained glass.

Small Hand Tools

We love tools - the more little tools to help with our projects the merrier we feel.  We are continuously hunting for sources of fun and useful hand tools.  Here is a sampling of what we currently have to offer.

Tweezers and Picks

Tweezers and Picks

Straight and curved tweezers.

Italian-Made Spatulas

Italian-Made Spatulas

Small Spatulas

Small Spatulas

Tweezer Set

Tweezer Set

Miscellaneous Supplies

Sometimes these are seasonal and sometimes they are unique items that we may want to mosaic. Check back often, these items will change on a regular basis. 

Canvass Floater Frames

Canvass Floater Frames

Various sizes - 8" by 10", 10" square, 9" by 12"

Various Sizes of Mosaic or Picture Stands - $10 eachIMG_5582

Various Sizes of Mosaic or Picture Stands - $10 eachIMG_5582

Approximately 51/2 inches by 6 inches

Studio Hours:

Monday      Closed

Tuesday      Closed

Wednesday      10 am - 5 pm

Thursday          10 am - 9 pm

Friday                10 am - 5 pm

Saturday           10 am - 1 pm

Sunday             Closed

Please check our on-line calendar for class schedule, studio time, and special events.

Mosaic Oasis Studio & Supply

1189B Massachusetts Ave

Arlington, MA 02476

(781) 316-1667

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